Face and Neck Lift by Cosmetic Threads
Upon aging, the attractiveness of many women decreases, and their age seem older than their real age to the point that affects their self-confidence and their satisfaction, but a new non-surgical plastic procedure has appeared that can restore their beauty and their self-confidence, which is thread lift of face and neck.
What are the cosmetic threads for the face and neck?
They are threads applied to lift the face and neck and to get rid of sagging. The threads consist of materials that stimulate the production of collagen, which restores the luster and health of the skin and helps to tighten them and get rid of any sagging or wrinkles.
When will the result of the face and neck lift with cosmetic threads appear?
Face and neck lifts with cosmetic threads require only about half an hour to 45 minutes to be accomplished. The result will appear immediately after applying it to the skin layers. The results persistence vary according to the types of the cosmetic threads, the nature of each body, and the extent of taking care of it.
Are there types of cosmetic threads used in face and neck lifts?
Yes, the cosmetic threads of face and neck lift vary in their types, according to the duration of their results, and they are divided into:
1. Permanent results: These are the threads that are difficult for the body to dissolve over time, therfore their results do not disappear over time and last for approximately 5 to 7 years.
2. Temporary results: These are the threads that dissolve in the body easily and disappear due to their tension, so the result disappears after a short time, within a maximum period of 1 or 2 years, after which the area returns to its original nature.
How to apply cosmetic threads to lift the face and neck with Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa:
1- First, Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa will clean the skin well of any fats or cosmetics on it.
2- Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa will apply local anesthesia at the intended area.
3- Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa will insert the threads at a depth of 3 to 5 centimeters under the skin and fix it well.
4- He will start tying those threads together by making some tying knots.
5- At last, he will cover the area with adhesive medical tape that speeds up the healing process of the tiny wounds in the skin.
Other uses for thread lifts:
Recently, thread lifts are used to lift the breasts and remove any sagging in them, besides getting rid of sagging of the hips, arms, legs, and some other places in the body that need to be tightened without the desire to perform surgical procedures.
Advantages of face and neck lift with thread lifts with Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa:
• The procedure is painless since it is performed under local anesthesia and does not take more than half an hour to 45 minutes at most.
• A procedure with no recovery period, as it does not result in any swelling as is the case in other surgical lift procedures.
• It does not cause any allergic reaction and does not show any side effects.
• Its results appear immediately after application, and the patient does not need to wait for a certain period for its results to appear, unlike other tightening procedures.
• It improves the shape of the skin to a large extent and gets rid of any sagging or wrinkles in the face and neck. It also reaches the balance between achieving consistency in the shape of the face and neck without showing any exaggerated results.
• The threads consist of materials that stimulate the production of collagen in the body without the need of any harmful synthetic materials that work to tighten the sagging skin.
Characteristics of the ideal candidate for a face and neck lift with cosmetic threads with Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa:
• Lost skin elasticity without an advanced sagging stage.
• Age between 35 and 50 years old.
• Do not suffer from exaggerated wrinkles on the face and neck.
• Have sagging around the mouth and chin.
While the face and neck lift with cosmetic threads with Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa is not suitable for:
• Pregnant and lactating women.
• people with very sensitive skin.
• People who have thinner tissues than normal.
• people who have an advanced degree of sagging or wrinkles.
• Those who suffer from immune diseases, diabetes, blood clotting problems, cancer, or active infection on their skin.
Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa advice after lifting the face and neck with cosmetic threads:
• Do not do dental treatment for a few weeks after the thread lift procedure.
• Do not rub or massage the tightened site for about 3 weeks.
• Do not practice violent sports or perform strenuous exercises for a short time after applying the procedure.
• Try to sleep by lying on your back and avoid sleeping on your face immediately after the injection.
• Avoid direct exposure to sunlight.
• Avoid exaggeration in facial and neck expressions to avoid an adverse result of the thread working mechanism.
When should the face and neck lift procedure be repeated?
The result of cosmetic threads lasts for about a year or two, depending on the different nature of each body and its ability to dissolve and absorb the threads just in the case of applying temporary threads, while the permanent thread result lasts from 5 to 7 years. The person's lifestyle also controls the continuity of the results, such as the level of tension he is experiencing, his expressive movements, and his periodic follow-up with Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa.
Removal of the facelift and neck permanent threads is easy if the patient wishes to return his face as it was.
Adverse results that may result from a face and neck lift with cosmetic threads:
If the threads are applied in the wrong way due to the lack of experience of the plastic surgeon, some people may face:
• Asymmetry in the face and neck, as one half of the face may appear more tightened than the other half, which clearly shows sagging.
• Increase sagging of the face or neck, due to the movement of the threads and their absence from the original site of application.
• The occurrence of infection in the area where the surgical incisions are applied.
• The appearance of one of the threads above the skin from the outside.
Before performing a face and neck lift with lifting threads, you must first:
• Choose a professional plastic surgeon who has many successful cases in thread lifts with high efficiency.
• Discuss with your surgeon your ultimate goal for the procedure and the desired result.
• Stop taking blood-thinning drugs such as aspirin to avoid bleeding after the procedure.
• Inform your doctor of any health condition you may suffer from and the genetic history of your family, in addition to performing the tests that he will ask you to do.